My Rules

  • Advanced booking is greatly appreciated and highly recommended.
  • For first contact, which must made through the specified means (see my contact page), please make sure you supply as much information as you feel comfortable providing, such as your first name, age, general appearance, interests etc.Please be discreet and do not use explicit words.No withheld numbers please.
  • The donation for our arrangement should be in an envelope and left in clear view for me to see upon my arrival. Never make me ask for it.
  • Have your ID available for me to inspect.If you don't trust me enough to show your ID then you need to look elsewhere for companionship.This is for safety reasons only.
  • To fully enjoy a meeting, you must be freshly showered, well-groomed, smell nice, and have minty-fresh breath. Please be respectful and always be a gentleman. Your kindness, generosity, and chivalry will be appreciated and rewarded.
  • Please do not over stay our date. If you would like to extend our time, please ask me if I have additional time available and provide additional donation for the time you would like to spend.
  • No gratuities are ever expected, but for if you would like to surprise me with a gift then please feel free to ask or get inspiration from my wish list.
  • The donations are for my time and companionship only and they are not negotiable.
  • Confirmación de Servicios: Aclare todos los detalles sobre los servicios que deseas contratar. Pregunta sobre disponibilidad, tarifas adicionales para servicios especiales, y cualquier otra duda que puedas tener. Coordinación del Encuentro , Acuerda un lugar y una hora para el encuentro. Y yo pueda desplazarme a domicilio, hoteles o zonas específicas.
  • Are your rates negotiable? No. Rates listed reflect the exceptional quality of service l provide so all the amounts are non-negotiable. I am a high class escort and questioning my honorarium will offend. If you can’t afford me then please try another provider
  • Do you allow take photos or video you? Absolutely not. I take my privacy very seriously
  • ¿Sus tarifas son negociables? No. Las tarifas indicadas reflejan la calidad excepcional del servicio que brindo, por lo que todos los montos no son negociables. Soy un acompañante de clase alta y cuestionar mis honorarios ofenderá. Si no puede pagarme, pruebe con otro proveedor.
  • Erotic Massages -additional payment Erotic massages are one of the most requested services by those seeking an exceptional sensory experience. These massages go beyond conventional, offering a combination of techniques that seek maximum relaxation and pleasure.